Get Involved Today

 There are numerous ways that you can begin the fight to stop human trafficking here at home, around the country, and throughout the world.

Here are just a few ideas to help get you started on this personal journey.


  1. Look for local advocacy groups who seek volunteer help, and then donate some time each week to bring comfort, peace, and safety to others.


  1. Share information from websites like TruPurge to raise awareness within your network about the issues of human trafficking and sexual exploitation.


  1. Use your talents to share blog content, graphic designs, music, artwork, or whatever it is that you can do to bring about more understanding of the issues.


  1. Research the products and services you purchase to ensure that you can eliminate anything related to human trafficking within your purchasing chain.


  1. Create a safety plan for your family, school, and community organizations so that they can respond quickly and appropriately to the threat of human trafficking.


  1. Volunteer as a mentor.


  1. Help local social services organizations in whatever way that you can to reduce conflict, abuse, and separation at the home level.


  1. Be committed to the process. You can do something. Even if you only help one person get out of a terrible situation, then you are making the world become a better place for everyone.


  1. Donate to organizations which provide resources to combat human trafficking, whether that involves direct support, fundraising efforts, or resource multiplication.


It is imperative to know who to contact whenever you suspect that human trafficking might be present in your community. Consider this issue to be a legal emergency and dial 911 or your local three-digit contact line.

You can also contact the National Human Trafficking Hotline at 1 (888) 373-7888.